Apr 12, 2017 | Architecture & Design Job Descriptions |
An art director job description screams creativity and management abilities. This person works in the film, advertising, or marketing. Regardless of the industry, art directors are responsible for leading the creative direction of the project. The title director...
Feb 6, 2017 | Architecture & Design Job Descriptions
When you walk into a room and cannot help but notice how beautiful it looks, it’s probably the work of an interior designer. This person creates a design and carries out minor cosmetic upgrades to living spaces to make it a reality. Having an eye for different...
Jan 31, 2017 | Architecture & Design Job Descriptions |
These professionals engage in several complex tasks necessary to the successful construction of a building. They could design private residences, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, or government buildings, among others. They work on designs and drafts of projects in...
Jan 29, 2017 | Architecture & Design Job Descriptions
Industries with creative teams such as advertising, graphic design, arts, and more need someone who can combine creativity with leadership to manage a team, communicate with management, and provide a strategy. A creative director job description shows that someone in...