Aug 10, 2018 | Business Job Descriptions, Finance & Auditing Job Descriptions, Healthcare Job Descriptions |
There are quite a few benefits to working a part-time job. For someone that already works full time, part-time work can supplement their income. Moreover, they could consider making the move to working part-time as their only source of income that can allow them to...
Jul 31, 2018 | Healthcare Job Descriptions, IT&C Job Descriptions |
Community colleges afford higher education at a lower cost than four-year schools. Students may travel this educational path to remain close to home and to learn job skills. As the following list of the best paying jobs with associates degree reveals, the two-year...
Jun 29, 2018 | Healthcare Job Descriptions |
The medical field features plentiful advances in technology, demand for its services and many opportunities for employment. Below, we feature the best paying medical jobs for those seeking a career in medicine. The careers you will see here all have a median annual...
Jan 16, 2018 | Healthcare Job Descriptions |
If you have ever had to get an X-ray, MRI, or CAT scan a radiologist has read your images and given a diagnosis of the injury or illness. Radiologists are physicians who have training in reading medical images. Their job is paramount to the medical field. Being able...
Oct 24, 2017 | Healthcare Job Descriptions |
The practice of medicine relies heavily on records. Physicians need them to know how to diagnose and treat patients. The information that lies within intake forms, examination and treatment records, and charts also influences how medical practices seek reimbursement...
Oct 20, 2017 | Healthcare Job Descriptions |
Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) are an essential part of the modern healthcare industry. They provide nursing care under the supervision of registered nurses and physicians. They can take care of anyone from premature infants to the elderly. This article aims to...