There are quite a few benefits to working a part-time job. For someone that already works full time, part-time work can supplement their income. Moreover, they could consider making the move to working part-time as their only source of income that can allow them to spend more time with family, pursue personal projects, and improve health by reducing stress levels. Whatever the reasons are for taking on a part-time job, they should consider pursuing a position that will allow them to make the most money for their time. Therefore, below we have ten of the highest paying part time jobs in various industries and across many skill levels.
10. Insurance Sales Agent
Being an insurance sales agent is not all about making the sale. Much of what an agent does is helping clients resolve claims, assisting in renewing policies, maintaining records, and other administrative tasks. Also, clients depend on their agents to be knowledgeable about policies that can protect their family and property in the event of an unexpected loss.
What does an insurance sales agent do: Insurance sales agents are responsible for creating new business for insurance companies by selling insurance policies. It’s their job to educate prospective clients about the policies they offer as well as interview these clients to determine if they are eligible.
What annual salary an insurance sales agent has: $36,411.
9. Grant Writer
Grant writers help organizations or individuals research, draft and submit proposals to receive grant funding because the requirements for grant funding are often very specific and time-sensitive. Also, these professionals act as the go-between for clients and donors.
What does a grant writer do: It’s important that grant writers possess the ability to write clearly, research exceptionally, and have the ability to meet deadlines that could mean the difference between a non-for-profit organization receiving desperately needed funds or not.
What annual salary a grant writer has: $45,783.
8. Graphic Designer
Graphic designing is one of the highest paying part time jobs that allows one the freedom to express their creativity. A graphic designer works closely with clients to create graphic art for use in magazines, books, websites, brochures, corporate reports, and advertisements. Although many businesses have hired in-house graphic designers, it is not uncommon for a graphic designer to be freelance.
What does a graphic designer do: A graphic designer’s duties may include determining the scope of a project and creating images that convey a message. Also, they are in charge of implementing client changes to the project and reviewing the product for errors.
What annual salary a graphic designer has: $48,700.
7. Executive Administrative Assistant
Today when people think of the role of an administrative assistant, they may believe it’s the same as that of a secretary. While some of the duties are identical, the administrative assistant takes on more responsibility than a secretary. Meanwhile, an executive administrative assistant does all of the things an administrative assistant does with the addition of assisting executives with travel arrangements, scheduling, dictation, and acting as the point of contact between executives and clients.
What does an executive administrative assistant do: This professional is in charge of training new staff members, receiving calls and recording messages. Also, they handle clerical duties, management of office supplies, and assisting with the general needs of running a business. You can also look at the executive assistant job position.
What annual salary an executive administrative assistant has: $49,263.
6. Dietitian
Dietitians may work in hospitals, schools, businesses, the food and nutrition industry, and long-term care facilities. Depending on the setting they are stationed in, a dietitian’s duties may include assessing the dietary needs of patients or clients based upon their health needs. As well as developing meal plans and educating patients or clients about nutrition.
What does a Dietitian do: Dietitians are food and nutrition experts who diagnose and treat nutrition and dietary issues.
What annual salary a Dietitian has: $51,744.
5. Dental Hygienist
Next on our highest paying part time jobs list, we have the dental hygienist. This professional provides much of the same care as a dentist, excluding specialized procedures. However, a dental hygienist cannot diagnose a cavity or perform a filling.
What does a Dental Hygienist do: Some of their duties include educating patients about correct oral care and performing teeth cleaning. As well as applying substances to prevent tooth decay such as fluoride, taking and developing x-rays, and handling patient intake and screenings.
What annual salary a Dental Hygienist has: $54,407.
4. Diagnostic Medical Sonographer
Diagnostic medical sonographers use specialized sonographic equipment to gather images for the purpose of diagnosing medical conditions. This technology is not only used to assess the health and gender of a developing fetus. But it is also used to assess possible medical conditions in the heart, abdomen, kidneys, and limbs. A sonographer will work closely with physicians and be providing reports of findings.
What does a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer do: The duties of a diagnostic medical sonographer include prepping and maintaining diagnostic equipment. As well as taking patient history, analyzing technical information, and gathering images using the sonographic equipment.
What annual salary a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer has: $65,620.
3. Accountant
Accounting, one of the oldest professions, will likely always be in demand as long as there are business and commerce. An accountant is responsible for preparing and examining the financial records of a business, organization, or individual. They also give financial advice and auditing to check for the misuse of funds and fraud.
What does an Account do: This professional’s duties include preparing and filing taxes. As well as maintaining the client’s financial records, and general administrative work.
What annual salary an Account has: $69,350.
2. Nurse Practitioner
Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with advanced graduate level training. Some of the nurse practitioner specialties include pediatric, women’s health, family care, neonatal, acute care, emergency and psychiatric nurse practitioners. Moreover, this is one of the highest paying part time jobs and the annual salary varies by specialty.
What does a Nurse Practitioner do: Nurse practitioners are able to diagnose and treat illnesses as well as prescribe medication, and provide consultations for patients.
What annual salary Nurse Practitioner has: $92,184.
1. Pharmacist
Firstly on our highest paying part time jobs list is that of a pharmacist. An important role the pharmacist fills is making sure patients are aware of any possible contradictions with their medication.
What does a Pharmacist do: Pharmacists dispense medication prescribed by doctors and consult with patients on how to use their medication. They also provide screenings and immunizations, as well as offer advice on healthy lifestyles.
What annual salary a Pharmacist has: $124,170.
There are many options available when considering a part-time job. Choosing one of the highest paying part time jobs adds value to one’s life by increasing their income and freeing up the time to go back to school, start a hobby, write that novel, or enjoy time with family and friends. If you know of any other well paid part-time job we left off this list, or you would like to add your opinion about this list, please leave us a comment below!