High technology has made the society increasingly paperless. Quite a number of firms in business and medicine use technology. Below we profiled the highest paying tech jobs along with details about what are the attributions of these professionals as well as their yearly salaries. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics and Glassdoor are the main sources we used for the information on the jobs that made the cut.
10. Computer Programmer
The entrant on our list of highest paying tech jobs is a staple of the computer industry. However, computer programming involves a much more set of complex languages as the applications and functionality of computers have grown exponentially.
What does a computer programmer do: As we’ll discuss below, computer programmers design computer software and applications. The computer programmer formulates the code that tells the applications how to run. Testing in the bugging ensures that the program will run properly or can be fixed when there are glitches.
What annual salary a computer programmer has: On a mean basis, the annual pay for computer programmers stands at $87,530. Meanwhile, 90 percent of these professionals make around $132,530 per year.
9. Database Administrator
Contact jobs such as database administration carry the important goal of securing the storage of a wealth of data and information. Large corporations and smaller outfits rely upon database administrators, contributing to a projected increase of 13,700 jobs in this field by 2026.
What does a database administrator do: Database administrators monitor access and usage of information stored in a database. They may design and implement security against unauthorized use. Other tasks include installation of upgrades, remedies for program bugs and writing the programming code.
What annual salary a database administrator has: Database administrators clutch on average $89,050 per year. The highest earners can make more than $132,420 each year.
8. UX Designer
Next on our highest paying tech jobs list, we have the UX designer. This professional makes sure the customer has the best interaction with software and other products. User experience involves a significant level of information management and analysis that this professional must possess.
What does a UX designer do: These designers also map the way a website operates. One such approach is wireframing, in which the UX designer lays out the content and functions for the page.
What annual salary a UX designer has: According to Glassdoor, the mean annual base pay for UX designers is at $97,460
7. Information Security Analyst
Employment of information security analysts is assumed to grow much faster than other occupation in the next few years. By 2026, employment for this job could balloon by 28%, representing 28,500 new jobs. This is due to the demand by retail and financial companies, government and health care providers to safeguard sensitive data.
What does an information security analyst do: The job description for this professional includes monitoring an organization’s computer and data system for potential security breaches. They attempt to prevent them through firewalls and data encryption. When a breach happens, the analyst investigates the causes and reports it to the IT manager or other company executives.
What annual salary an information security analyst has: This position carries a median annual salary of $99,690. While those who reach the 90th percentile of earnings collect around $153,090 yearly.
6. Biochemist and Biophysicist
Some employers of biochemist and biophysicist, especially biotech companies, can rank among the highest paying tech companies. These enterprises ranging from the healthcare field to agriculture may draw from the talents of biochemists and biophysicists.
What do a biochemist and biophysicist do: The essence of the biochemist and biophysicist job description is research and analysis. Both biochemists and biophysicists often work with cell division and growth, as well as x-rays, and modeling applications. They also use computer-driven technology to study the structures of molecules and model development of treatments and cures for diseases.
What annual salary a biochemist and biophysicist have: The annual pay for these professionals is around $105, 410. While the 90th percentile level can take home as much as $177,840 each year.
5. Software Developer
The software developer job is among the highest paying tech jobs. Software development involves the creation of computer applications. While others develop the software, which makes up the underlying systems that run certain devices or that control networks.
What does a software developer do: The software developer starts with grasping the needs of the users. The process then goes to developing models, flow charts, and instructions for the code to be written by the programmers.
What annual salary a software developer has: Developers of software applications have a median salary of $106,710 per year. While those who develop software for systems earn on a mean basis $111,780 each year.
4. Computer Network Architect
People that work as computer network architects focus on the flow of information and data within networks. These may include connections between offices to a cloud infrastructure that can handle several users. Meanwhile, the move of companies and organizations to cloud storage and away from physical mainframes may lessen the demand for computer network architects.
What does a computer network architect do: The architect plans and lays out the network using principles and needs for information security. Also, upgrades and other support work are involved with the computer network architect job description.
What annual salary a computer network architect has: For computer network architects, the median salary is at $107,870 per year. While pay at the 90th percentile level exceeds $162,390 each year.
3. Computer and Information Research Scientist
A set of highest paying tech jobs should have jobs held by those with a research orientation. Such arises with computer information research scientists, who push the frontiers of technology. Aspiring research scientists, who generally hold a master’s degree in computer science or other similar areas of study stand solid job opportunities with an expected 19 percent addition in employment through 2026.
What does a computer and Information research scientist do: The fruits of the research scientist’s work is new technology, programming codes, as well as tools and ways to transmit data or perform existing or new functions. These scientists experiment, publish findings and share solutions with users. Some research scientists, called data scientists, prepare algorithms to help spot patterns.
What annual salary a computer and information research scientist has: Computer and information research scientists earn on a mean basis $119,570 each year.
2. Computer Hardware Engineer
The six-figure annual pay puts computer hardware engineers in our group of highest paying tech jobs. However available jobs might not grow as much for these relatively lucrative positions. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics says employment will grow by only 4,000 through 2026, thanks to the emphasis of innovation on software rather than hardware. Opportunities may exist especially with the use of smart and similar technology in televisions, vehicles and home appliances.
What does a computer hardware engineer do: These engineers concentrate on the components of laptops, desktops and other computer equipment. These professional study, design and Implement building of circuit boards, central processing units, computer networks, and routers. Their work also includes testing and modification of the systems.
What annual salary a computer hardware engineer Has: The median salary stands at $119,650 for computer hardware engineers.
1. IT Manager
An IT manager, otherwise known as a computer and information systems manager, can expect healthy earnings as various organizations emphasize the handling and safeguarding of data. Prospective IT managers should expect 44,200 additional positions by 2026.
What does an IT manager do: Oversight of computer and information systems falls to the IT manager. These leaders assess the organization’s computer needs, recommend products, upgrades for measures and research advances in technology.
What annual salary an IT manager has: The annual average salary registers at $149,730. While the 90th percentile managers can fetch well north of $208,000.
These highest paying tech jobs generally require a Bachelor or Master’s degree. if one acquires the necessary skills and knowledge they can often find ample opportunities within this field, as it is increasingly in high demand. Please let us know your experience if you have landed one of these jobs.