INFP stands for “Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perceiving”. Those in this personality type often seek to solve people’s problems, reflect internally on principles, and concentrate on emotions. As the first word suggests, INFPs work more effectively individually or in small groups rather than in predominantly public, high-pressure or adversarial settings. Although this personality type might make certain, high-paying jobs more difficult to land or perform, INFPs can still find well-paying work. Below, we present the ten best paying jobs for INFP people in the labor market.
10. Writer and Author
Writing suits many INFPs because of the ability to work behind the scenes and express creativity. Online publishers and advertisers should supply opportunities for employment for writers and authors. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment should rise by 10,000 through 2026.
What do a writer and author do: Placing thoughts and words on paper or digital platforms represents just part of the job description. Writers and authors, especially in journalism, non-fiction and advertising, must research and verify assertions and sources. Proofreading and editing also ensure the credibility and quality of the work.
What annual salary a writer and author have: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a mean pay of $72,120 per year for writers and authors. Meanwhile, those in the 90th percentile fetch more than $118,760.
9. Arbitrator, Mediator, and Conciliator
Arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators rank among the best paying jobs for INFP professionals due to the emphasis on conflict resolution and building consensus. Employment of these professionals should rise as businesses include mediation and arbitration in their contracts and courts rely on mediators as alternatives to trials.
What do an arbitrator, mediator, and conciliator do: Mediators and conciliators facilitate discussions of disputes and negotiations of settlements. For mediators and conciliators, the end product is often a settlement or compromise. Arbitrators render binding decisions in disputes, but with less formal procedures than in courts.
What annual salary an arbitrator, mediator, and conciliator have: The median salary for arbitrators, mediators, and conciliators stands at $73,020 every year. While the top ten percent of earners collect over $124,570 per year.
8. Technical Writer
Technological advances breed new products and manuals to explain them. As a result, technical writers will find ample chances for work, with a predicted 11 percent increase in employment through 2026, outpacing the overall workforce.
What does a technical writer do: To prepare manuals, frequently-asked question pages, and other technical guidance. Also, technical writers study the sample products and consult with engineers, designers, and others involved in product development. Content prepared by technical writers includes writings, videos, photographs, and diagrams.
What annual salary a technical writer has: The salary for a technical writer is at $74,440 per year, meanwhile ten percent of these professionals earn greater than $113,810.
7. Clinical Psychologist
The best paying jobs for INFP career seekers include those that help patients facing mental and behavioral issues. Clinical psychologists fall into this category and will be in strong demand. That is due to the prevalence of mental illness and child custody, criminal, and other cases in which psychologists’ services are summoned.
What does a clinical psychologist do: Clinical psychologists examine, evaluate and treat patients with anxiety, depression and other mental disorders or conditions. Effective service requires the psychologists to interview patients, consult medical and other records that may offer clues or insight into the causes of the conditions. While sessions occur privately, clinical psychologists may occasionally testify in court.
What annual salary a clinical psychologist has: PayScale reports an annual pay of $75,854 per year for clinical psychologists. The pay range runs between $48,469 and $125,291.
6. Speech-Language Pathologist
In addition to the annual salary, the employment growth, to the tune of 18 percent by 2026, puts speech-language pathologists on our highest paying jobs for INFPs roster. Strokes, dementia and other conditions can spur speech impediments for which these pathologists render treatment. Introverts can operate effectively in the private and one-on-one settings during sessions with patients.
What does a speech-language pathologist do: Diagnosis and treatment of speech and swallowing issues constitute the primary goals of speech-language pathologists. These health providers test speech patterns, conduct physical exams as needed and pinpoint the causes of stuttering or other speech problems. Also, therapy and other assistance include instruction on sentence structures, and finding appropriate voice and tone. As well as strengthening the muscles that allow speaking and other uses of the mouth.
What annual salary a speech-language pathologist has: The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics places the mean pay at $79,770 per year. For speech-language pathologists in the 90th percentile, pay exceeds $118,910 on an annual basis.
5. Film and Video Editor
In the media and entertainment field lie occupations that keep INFPs out of the public view and in their comfort zone. These film and video editors possess talents in strong demand.
What do a film and video editor do: These editors organize film, video, and images in a presentation. With editing software, film and video editors may trim unneeded or unwanted content. They also handle adjusting angles or zooming, adding titles or captions, and music. Their work often occurs in collaboration with and under the direction of producers and directors.
What annual salary a film and video editor has: A film and video editor collects, on a mean basis, $83,950 every year, while pay in the 90th percentile exceeds $163,440 per year.
4. Architect
Among our best paying jobs for INFP types, architects may have among the slowest job growth rates. Sluggish construction may contribute to fewer opportunities long-term. Although prospects may arise for those with skills and experience in environmental-friendly design.
What does an architect do: An architect designs buildings, such as houses, offices, plants and stores, and depicts the designs through drawings. Significant parts of the job description involve time away from the computer and design desks. Architects meet with clients to understand requirements and costs and frequently visit job sites to ensure construction proceeds according to the plans.
What annual salary an architect has: Architects fetch a mean salary of $87,500 every year, meanwhile, salaries in excess of $134,610 await those in the 90th percentile of architects.
3. Physical Therapist
Injuries from sports, work, and driving, as well as chronic diseases, spur a significant demand for physical therapy. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics believes that employment of physical therapists will ascend by 28 percent, or 67,100, by 2026.
What does a physical therapist do: Physical therapists concentrate on improving patients’ walking and other body movements and handling pain. Therapy sessions have patients walking, squatting, using exercise equipment as movement can be tolerated and lifting arms and legs. Within the job description also lie instructing patients and families on exercises and recording progress.
What annual salary a physical therapist has: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, physical therapists enjoy an average pay of $88,080 each year. Among the highest 10 percent of earners, figures go north of $122,650 per year. For a similar occupation, you can also look at the massage therapist job.
2. Professor
Although professors have a public role in their work, they still appear among our best paying jobs for INFP list due especially to involvement in arts and humanities. While public, the lecture hall typically is not an adversarial or competitive environment for the professors. Mainly, they concentrate on imparting knowledge and theories.
What does a professor do: A professor teaches students about various subjects, facilitates discussions of works and theories, administers examinations, and assigns grades. Moreover, beyond the instructional component, a professor’s job description includes research and publishing scholarly materials based on that research.
What annual salary a professor has: Glassdoor places the average yearly pay for professors at $114,134.
1. Psychiatrist
As with psychologists, demand for psychiatrists results from the frequency of cases involving mental illness and behavioral issues. Problems faced by patients may arise from traumatic brain injuries, diseases, chemical imbalances or substance abuse.
What does a psychiatrist do: A psychiatrist reviews patient symptoms and administers questions and other examinations to diagnose a condition and its cause. From there, treatment may take the form of prescribing medications or therapy that does not involve drugs, or a combination thereof. Moreover, referrals to psychologists or counselors and educating the patients and families form other components of the psychiatrist job description.
What annual salary a psychiatrist has: At a mean pay of $216,090 per year psychiatrists top our list of best paying jobs for INFP professionals. Also, half of the psychiatrists earn more than $208,000 per year.
Finally, INFPs harness their creativity, emphasis on feelings and concern for others into work that pays healthy salaries. The occupations we profiled here allow INFPs to work without exposure to uncomfortable settings that feature open, public conflict and pressure. If you are an INFP, please send us your feedback on these best paying jobs for INFP people and whether you have other suggestions.